Request for information (RFI)

How to receive information?

The relations with information freedom are regulated by the RA Law on "Freedom of Information" which defines the information holders in the field of information provision such as state and local government bodies, state institutions, organizations financed from the budget, as well as public organizations and their officials in the field of ensuring information. It also outlines the procedures, forms and conditions for receiving information.

What is freedom of information?

Freedom of information is the exercise of the right to seek information and obtain it from an information holder in accordance with the procedures defined by law.
Who and how can apply for information?

Who and how can request information?

Every person has the right to access the information they seek and, for that purpose, to submit a request to the information holder in accordance with the procedure defined by law and receive that information. 

Foreigners may exercise the rights and freedoms provided by the RA Law on “Freedom of Information" only in the cases defined by the law and/or international agreement.

When can freedom of information be restricted?

Freedom of information may be restricted in cases provided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia.

When can the provision of information be refused?

The information holder, except in cases defined in Article 8, Part 3 of the RA  Law  on "Freedom of Information" may refuse to provide information if:

  • Contains state, official, banking or commercial secrets;
  • Violates an individual's privacy and family life, including the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, mail, telegrams and other communications;
  • Contains information related to non-public preliminary investigation data;
  • Reveals information that requires confidentiality due to professional activities (such as medical, notarial or legal confidentiality);
  • Violates copyright and/or related rights.

If part of the requested information contains data whose provision is refusal, then the information will be provided regarding the remaining part.

When can the provision of information not be refused?

The provision of information cannot be refused if:

  • Relates to emergencies that threaten the safety and health of citizens, as well as natural disasters (including those officially forecasted) and their consequences;
  • Represents the overall state of the economy of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the actual conditions in the fields of environmental protection, healthcare, education, agriculture, trade and culture;
  • Refusal will impact negatively on the implementation of the state programs of socio-economic, scientific-technical and spiritual-cultural development of the Republic of Armenia.

How to fill out a written request?

In a written request, you should include the following details: the applicant's name, surname, citizenship and address of residence, workplace or educational institution.
The written request must be signed (for a legal entity, include the name and address of organization).

When is a written request not answered?

According to the RA Law on "Freedom of Information", a written request will not be answered if:

  • It does not contain all the details about the requester as required by law;
  • It is discovered that the information regarding the identity of the author is false;
  • It is a second request for the same information submitted by the same person within the last 6 months, except in cases provided by Article 10, Part 4 of the RA Law on "Freedom of Information".

The applicant is not required to justify the request.

What are the timeframes and how is the response to a written request provided?

The response to a written request is provided within the following timeframes:

  • If the information requested in the written request is unpublished: A copy of the information will be provided to the applicant within 5 days of receiving the request.
  • If the information requested in the written request is published: Information about the means, location and date of publication will be provided to the applicant within 5 days of receiving the request.
  • If additional work is needed to provide the information: The information will be provided to the applicant within 30 days of receiving the request. The applicant will be informed in writing within 5 days of receiving the request, specifying the reasons for the delay and the final deadline for providing the information. 

The response to a written request is provided in the manner specified in the request. If the manner is not specified and it is not possible to respond within the legally defined timeframe, the response to the written request is provided on a material medium acceptable to the information holder.

Who to appeal to in case of refusal to provide information?

Refusal to provide information can be appealed to an authorized public administration body or a court.