Notification: please do not panic.

Civil defense sirens will be used․


Emergency situations prevention, population protection and disasters results elimination


Psychological assistance in emergency situations

Handling emergency calls related to the population, services, organizations, as well as cases and accidents, and organizing an appropriate response to the created situation.

Emergency call center

Handling emergency calls related to the population, services, organizations, as well as incidents and accidents, and organizing an appropriate response to the created situation.

Qualifications for rescue teams and rescuers

Qualification is conducted based on the materials presented by the leaders of the rescue teams, at least 2 weeks before the qualification.

The rescuer presents the documents to the qualification committee in person.

Medical care provision in emergency situations

Cmprehensive system of consultative, organizational and medical measures in emergency situations aimed at providing first aid at the scene, urgent preventive medical measures and organizing medical assistance. It also focuses on maintaining the health of personnel involved in the results elimination of emergencies and providing medical care to them.